Disney Classroom: Genie Bulletin Board

It's been a crazy start to the school year! Yes, the school year has officially started. This has been the first week of school. Lucky for me, I've got the same kiddos from last year and 2 students new to the class. The theme of this year will be the quote from Aladdin, "Today's moments are tomorrow's memories." This quote will be something to live by since these kids are wonderful, and I felt like we've really become a family last year and will continue to be one this year. I've got to remember to cherish these moments with the kiddos before they head to 5th grade (without me)!

All of these things (like the other bulletin boards I've posted pictures of) are hand made and drawn or cut out of construction paper and laminated. This board in particular had inspiration from Pinterest (the construction paper mobiles that are hanging). Also, I got to splatter paint on this! So much fun, but, got a bit messy (luckily, it was washable paint).

I'll be posting up more!
