The title for this post just about sums it up! My old Up House that I had made 3 years ago (when I first got my own general education classroom) got all faded in my classroom, so I had to make another for the new AC class that I have. This second time around came out better than the first. It was pretty simple to make--all just out of colored construction paper, easy peasy!
So, what's the deal with this Up House + Balloons? I put it up on the whiteboard for students to know what to do once they're completed with their task early. I usually keep the balloon(s) closest to the house to be things such as "Unfinished Work" or other important things that I would like them to do. Above it, I usually put up balloons for options they can do that they enjoy (, Cursive Folder, etc.)
So, what's the deal with this Up House + Balloons? I put it up on the whiteboard for students to know what to do once they're completed with their task early. I usually keep the balloon(s) closest to the house to be things such as "Unfinished Work" or other important things that I would like them to do. Above it, I usually put up balloons for options they can do that they enjoy (, Cursive Folder, etc.)
Summer's bout to be done in less than a month, and I've got so much more to do! Stay posted for more posts!
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